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A friend's account of visiting objector Saul Batfozin in detention.

Agenda proposal for the COSG National Conference, March 1989

Journal article contains statements issued by the Southern African Catholic Bishops on current situations, question of human right, Christianity and wealth, economic rights and duties, and community buliding.

Submission to the SAHA ECC25 Virtual Exhibition by Matt Meyer of the War Resisters League (WRL) describing his recollections of his interactions with ECC during the overseas tours in the 1980s and his subsequent visit to South Africa in 1992.

This article deals with the call from citizens in South Africa for the end of compulsory conscription for military service.

This article deals with the an interview with an ex-conscript, Joseph K

Minutes of Conscientious Objectors Support Group (COSG) meeting held on 1 August 1984

Letter from COSG providing an overview of the 'National Anti-militarisation Conference - The Way Forward' conference held in 1989.

This document deals with a statement from the Jewish Conscientious Objectors

This newsletter deals with the aims and objectives of the Conscientious Objectors' Support Group

This issue of the COSG newsletter covers the public launch of the End Conscription Campaign (ECC), and provides a brief history of the inception of the ECC.

An interview in the COSG newsletter about how to stop the call-up

Praise poem for Ivan, David, Charles & Saul, written by Andrew Buckland in the COSG newsletter.

A presentation by Steve de Gruchy on Remembering the Hammanskraal Resolution: a tribute to Douglas Bax at the Ecc25 commemoration celebration, November 2009

Report of Workshop:"Ways of supporting a CO'"

Report on the 5th Conscientious Objectors Support Group (COSG) National Conference held in Welgespruit, Johannesburg in July 1984.

The speech delivered by the deputy president at the Ecc25 commemoration celebration in Stellenbosch

The development and formation of the end conscription campaign: paper presented at National Conference on 17 March 1984, discussing history of the end conscription campaign, working principles, Black Sash involvement, and campaign rationale.

The declaration to end conscription, published in the COSG newsletter.

An article in the Objector, Volume 8 no 1 entitled "Troops still in the Townships"

Letter from COSG National Worker to Friends of COSG entitled 'War Resistance Update', 20 October, 1989

An interview with David Schmidt, ECC National Facilitator, about ECC's re-emergence.

An article published in Phambili Number 2 October 1988 by Dave Bruce.

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