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The volunteer's handbook titled 'You and the UDF's One Million Signature Campaign' is a one page pamphlet issued by the United Democratic Front (UDF) for its Million Signature Campaign (MSC) in January 1984.

This FEDSAW commemorative pamphlet, titled 'Women organised' was printed by the African National Congress (ANC) in London in 1989. This nineteen-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

This FEDSAW report 'Women in prison' was issued by the Western Cape region of the Federation of South African Women, date unknown. This twelve-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'. Extracts 'Victory is ours' and 'Detention under Section 29' appear on pages one and two of the report respectively.

This ANC Women's League (ANCWL) Newsletter No.1 was issued by the ANCWL in 1991. This four-page newsletter was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'. The article 'Dear Comrades' appears on page three of the newsletter.

This pamphlet titled 'Women's Day Today, is Freedom Day Tomorrow' was issued by the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW), date unknown. This eight-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'. The article 'Bush and Thatcher hear the Truth!' appears on page three of the pamphlet.

This pamhlet on the Women's Charter was issued by the Federation of Transvaal Women (FEDTRAW), date unknown. This one-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

This report titled 'Unlock Apartheid Jails' was issued by the Federation of Transvaal Women (FEDTRAW), date unknown. This thirty six-page report was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'. The poem 'Women's Day Song' appears on page 5, the extract 'Wathint' Abafazi, Wathint' Imbokotho' on page 36, and the quotation "Our prisons are man-made hells on earth, places of torture and suffering..." by Sister Mary Bernard Ncube on page 18 of the report.

The is a typescript of an article, titled 'History of the Federation of the South African Women', date unknown. This two-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

Petition form signed in the Johannesburg region for the United Democratic Front's (UDF's) One Million Signature Campaign in 1984. This one-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

This pamphlet is entitled 'South African Women Systematic Oppression - Unyielding Resistance', source and date unknown. This two-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

This is an address given by Helen Joseph at the campus launch of the United Democratic Front's (UDF's) One Million Signature Campaign. This six-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

The Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) adopted the Women's Charter at its inaugural conference on 17 April 1954. This is not the original charter but a later typescript. This two-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

This pamphlet titled 'Sharpeville 21 March 1960' was issued by the Defend UDF (United Democratic front) Committee and printed by S+S Printers, date unknown. This pamphlet was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

The United Democratic Front (UDF) resolution on women was adopted in 1983. This one-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

This is an invitation issued by the Federation of South African Women (FEDSAW) to its focus week on women from 9 August to 12 August 1984 to celebrate national Women's Day as well as FEDSAW's 30th anniversary. This three-page document was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'.

This newsletter 'Women's Voice' was issued by the Natal Organisation of Women (NOW) in 1985. This sixteen-page newsletter was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'. The poem 'Mother, Woman' appears on page sixteen of the newsletter.

This newsletter 'Women's Voice' was issued by the Natal Organisation of Women (NOW) in 1985. This sixteen-page newsletter was digitised by SAHA in 2011. Included in SAHA exhibition kit and virtual exhibition, titled 'Women hold up half the sky: commemorating women in the struggle'. The poem 'Mother, Woman' appears on page sixteen of the newsletter.

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