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About this virtual exhibition

This virtual exhibition was created to document the contribution made by women in the struggle against unjust laws and gender-based discrimination. Using photographs, posters, documents retrieved from the rich SAHA archive resource, this exhibition was compiled to showcase the journey traveled by the many strong South African women who fought for social, political, legal and economic reforms in favour of women and all marginalised South Africans.  

Significant historical events such as the August 9 women's march of 1956, demonstrate the strength and resilience of South African women and proved to the world that indeed, when you strike a woman, you strike a rock, wathint' abafazi, wathint' imbokodo! 
Hopefully, this resource will not only provide a lens into the contribution made by yesteryear heroines in the struggle for justice, but inspire the women of today to continue the legacy.


Project concept and management: Catherine Kennedy
Curatorial support: Catherine Kennedy and Medeine Tribinevicius
Archival support: Debora Matthews and Elizabeth Marima
Design and layout: Blacksquare
Virtual exhibition preparation: Nelson Dlamini

This virtual exhibition was created alongside an exhibition kit of the same title, which is now available on loan from SAHA. To read about how you can borrow SAHA exhibition kits, please visit: http://www.saha.org.za/exhibitions/exhibition_kits.htm

SAHA would like the thank the Rolaball Eduscript team for the development of the kit, especially Dr Patricia Watson, Bie Venter and Reg Pakari.

Development of this virtual exhibition (and the kit) was made possible through the financial support of the National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund and the Atlantic Philanthropies.



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