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This question is discussed as part of the project by learner Jethasha Singh from Tongaat Secondary School on Siva Naidoo, local Tongaat community leader.

Transcript of the interview conducted by learner Andries Mfana Dlamini (school unknown) on the Sharpeville Massacre.

A pamphlet 'Support our struggle at Shoprite/Checkers' forms part of the project by learner Nomfundo Matiwane from Potchefstroom Secondary School entitled 'The role of trade unions'.

This is part 2 of an article titled 'The apartheid counter revolution: a permanent emergency' by the United Democratic Front (UDF) which looks at the violence on the South African youths by the government in its counter revolution. Included in SAHA online exhibition 'UDF 30 years: commemorating 30 years since the founding of the United Democratic Front'.

A report on refugees and xenophobia by learner Tristen Narainen from Apollo Secondary School in Chatsworth as part of his project entitled 'South Africa - the top destination for asylum seekers and refugees: Why is this so and how do the locals feel about this?'

Black and white newsletter published by the SACP Johannesburg district

Transcript of interview with Burundi ex-pat Maman Emilienne by learner John Ndambaka from Cornflower Primary School, Lentegeur, Mitchell's Plain as part of his project on Burundi national Maman Emilienne, and her work as a child care specialist dealing with children who have experienced abuse in Phillipi/Mitchell's Plain.

This is the transcript of the interview with January Monokame conducted by Dale McKinley and Ahmed Veriava in 2007 for SAHA's Alternative History Project (AHP), titled 'Forgotten Voices in the Present'.

This is the transcript of the interview with Laurence Xhetsa and Simon Bongo conducted by Dale McKinley and Ahmed Veriava in 2007 for SAHA's Alternative History Project (AHP), titled 'Forgotten Voices in the Present'.

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