Call Number: |
B01.32.01a |
Identifier: |
AL3296_B01.32.01a |
Title: |
Front cover of 'Eet Kreef!' album |
Date: |
1989 |
Subject: |
Braam Kruger;
Chris Pretorius;
Edwin Wes;
Eet Kreef;
Gereformeerde Blues Band - GBB;
Gideon de Wet;
Johannes Kerkorrel;
Lourens Cilliers;
Megan Kruskal;
Robin Orlin;
Shifty Records |
Description: |
This is the front cover of the Shifty Records LP release 'Eet Kreef!' by Johannes Kerkorrel en die Gereformeerde Blues Band (Jannie 'Hanepoot' van Tonder, Willem Möller, Piet Pers) in 1989. The cover design is by Chris Pretorius and the photograph of crayfish eaters Megan Kruskal, Gideon de Wet, Robin Orlin, Braam Kruger and Lourens Cilliers is by Edwin Wes. Digitised by Specialised Archival Solutions in 2014. Included in the SAHA physical and virtual exhibitions 'What you won't hear on the radio', developed to mark the 30th birthday of Shifty Records and the 25th anniversary of the Voëlvry tour. A link to the 'Eet Kreef!' digital album on Bandcamp, an online music store is included. |
Creator: |
Cover design by Chris Pretorius; photograph of Megan Kruskal, Gideon de Wet, Robin Orlin, Braam Kruger and Lourens Cilliers by Edwin Wes |
Type: |
LP cover |
Format: |
Access image - jpg
Preservation image - tiff |
Source: |
SAHA collection AL3296 |
Coverage: |
South Africa |
Rights: |
Copyright restrictions may apply. See SAHA copyright statement for more information. |
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