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Pamphlet in support of Shoprite-Checkers strike

Theme: Labour

Call Number: B3.5.1.2
Identifier: AL3290_B3.5.1.2
Title: Pamphlet in support of Shoprite-Checkers strike
Date: September 2006
Subject: Anti-Privatisation Forum - APF;
Description: This pamphlet was produced by the Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) in support of the Shoprite-Checkers strike in 2006. After both original founding member-organisations - the COSATU unions SAMWU and NEHAWU - as well as other ANC-aligned organisations left the APF, the relationship between the APF and COSATU became increasingly strained. Despite COSATU's illegally evicting the APF from its original offices in COSATU house and several of its leaders encouraging non-cooperation with APF and its struggles, the APF continued to provide whatever practical solidarity and support to COSATU and affiliated union strikes and worker struggles it could manage. This flyer from 2006 gives confirmation of the APF’s ongoing practical solidarity to striking workers (in this case, the longest post-apartheid strike ever by workers in the retail sector) and continued appeal for cross-organisational linkages and support. Despite these and many more other such practical and political efforts by the APF, the leadership of COSATU and most of its unions largely remained hostile to the APF, although this was not always the case with unions like SAMWU and SACCAWU and more rank-and-file union branch members. Additionally though, within the APF itself there was ongoing and intense debate and disagreement about the character and content of the APF’s approach to COSATU, divisions that were most often between members of political groupings within the APF and members of some of the APF’s community affiliates. Included in SAHA virtual exhibition - 'Transition's Child: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)'
Creator: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
Type: Pamphlet
Format: Access copy - pdf
Preservation copy - pdf
Source: SAHA collection AL3290
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
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