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APF Rights Booklet

Theme: Documenting the APF

Call Number: B1.1.8
Identifier: AL3290_B1.1.8
Title: APF Rights Booklet
Date: August 2006
Subject: Anti-Privatisation Forum - APF;
Freedom of Expression Institute - FXI;
Policy documents;
Description: This booklet on rights was produced by the Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF) with the help of the Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) in 2006. Almost from its inception, the APF and its community affiliates found themselves in the ‘firing line’ when it came to the law. This was not only a result of the APF’s commitment to mass direct action whether in the form of marches, pickets, demonstrations, water/electricity reconnections but to the conscious criminalisation of protest by the state authorities as well as political encouragement from the ANC and government officials to treat the APF and its activists as some sort of state enemy who needed to be confronted with the ‘full force of the law’. The resultant hundreds of arrests, lengthy detentions, excessively high bail amounts and drawn out court cases on trumped-up charges involving APF activists meant that from an early stage the APF spent a great deal of time/energy and limited financial resources on legal defence. Through the work of the APF legal sub-committee, funds were specifically raised for legal defence, useful working relationships established with various progressive lawyers (although there was always a shortage of lawyers willing to take up the APF’s so-called ‘criminal cases’) and legal defence solidarity provided to others social movements and community organisations outside the APF. By 2006 it was felt that the APF needed to produce a pocket-sized ‘rights booklet’ for its members to carry so that each activist would know exactly what rights they had specific respect of the Gatherings Act and arrest procedures etc. when confronted/arrested. With the help of the Freedom of Expression Institute, this booklet was produced and thousands of copies distributed both within the APF and to other community organisations. Included in SAHA virtual exhibition - 'Transition's Child: The Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)'
Contributor: Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI)
Creator: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
Type: Booklet
Format: Access copy - pdf
Preservation copy - pdf
Source: SAHA collection AL3290
Language: English
Coverage: South Africa
Rights: Anti-Privatisation Forum (APF)
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